Thursday 30 September 2010


Find an episode of Hollyoaks ( and choose a section of the programme that moves from a serious, thought-provoking storyline and then to something more lighthearted.
Focus on a 3-5 minute sequence that bridges the 2 storylines (ideally two minutes of the serious followed by 2 mins of the light).
Watch the extract several times and assess how the sequence manages this bridge between heavy and light.
Produce a series of notes examining the differences in the two sections and how they are presented through the micro forms:
Camera> shots, angles, movement, composition
Editing: within each section and crucially, between them, to make the "bridge"
Sound: dialogue, music, effects, atmospheric sound, soundtrack, diegetic/non-diegetic sound
Mise en Scene: How is this different for the 2 contrasting storylines; how is mood and atmosphere created in each case through lighting, colour, performance and other aspects?

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